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Good Reads Review: The City We Became

This was my first experience with N.K. Jemisin, and the first hundred pages set up an interesting premise of the clash of the soul of cities, personified in human beings.

However, following this, the story significantly drags as the central conflict feels more generic than anything else, and Jemisin’s obvious obsession with the Big Apple starts to veer off into a level of pretentiousness that starts to rival a Woody Allen film.

It’s a pity, because the concept is genius and I feel like it could have been explored in a much more in-depth way, filled with multi-faceted perspectives that exist within the organisms of cities. These ideas are instead treated more like window dressing to the main event: a tribute to New York City. If you are into that, you’ll have fun.

I’m willing to try N.K. Jemisin again despite this, as she has a great, engaging writing style, but this book just wasn’t for me.


A Little Idea
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